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The first thing you need to do is a family genealogy.... Personal Pedigree Chart ....starting with you and working your way back.... your parents; your grandparents - both sides; your great grandparents - both sides; etc, .... do this as far back as you can go.... Pedigree Chart. Without this information there is no way you will be able to research the Indian side of the family. Try talking to any family members that will answer your questions. Tape record your conversations. Take notes.... write down everything.... Family History Conversation Record, you never know when you'll need it later. Then again, you may never, but at least you've got it if you do.... because once these older family members are gone, this information goes with them. After you have all of the above information, you need to figure out which individual it is you believe to be Native American; then you need to figure out to which tribe you think they belonged - from what area of the country did they originate? Only after obtaining all the above information can you begin to research the genealogy of the Native American side of your family.
After you have completed all of the above and if you still need help, we recommend you contact the Eastern Tennessee Historical Society in Knoxville, TN. You also have the National Archives in Washington, DC, Dallas, TX, and East Point, GA; The Oklahoma Historical Society; The Five Civilized Tribes Museum in Tahlequah, OK; your local library may have some valuable information. Even if they don't have it maybe they could borrow it from another library.
We realize we didn't really give you any "concrete" answers, but you have some problem solving of your own to do before anyone can really be of any assistance to you. Remember, genealogy is just a BIG puzzle, and sometimes you may never find that missing piece.
Hope this helped to at least get you started. Good luck on your journey.